Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Let's Have a Tree Party! by David Martin

Let's Have a Tree Party! by David Martin

Let's Have a Tree Party!

Let's Have a Tree Party! by David Martin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Doo-boppa, doo-boppa, doo-boppa-do! Join the romp as a bevy of forest creatures, both diurnal and nocturnal, inspire a very active celebration.

What could be better than friends together at a party in a tree? All of the forest critters will be there: the squirrel, raccoons, possums, frogs, birds, mice, and more. Even the slimy slugs are sure to slither in for the food, games, music, and dancing. And don't forget Baby Bear — that little clown will be there for sure! John Manders revs up the action with bold illustrations, while David Martin sneaks in some counting and movement prompts in a rollicking, boisterous tale that will have children eager to jump up and join the party.

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