Further Word 2000 (Further ICT Skills) by Pat M. Heathcote, J.M. Vincent, R.P. Richards
Further Word 2000 (Further ICT Skills) by Pat M. Heathcote, J.M. Vincent, R.P. Richards PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Further Word 2000 will help teachers and parents to give children a head start in the use of Word Processing as required at Key Stages 3 and 4. Following on from Basic Word 2000 this book teaches some of the more advanced features of Word 2000. It is suitable for whole class, group and individual teaching. It is divided into a series of carefully designed lessons which clearly show pupils how to perform tasks that they can follow at their own pace with minimal teacher assistance. Topics include: Revising the basics Setting styles Tabs, tables and columns Headers and footers Creating tickets and labels Working with long documents Using mail merge GraphicsFrom reader reviews:
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