Senin, 24 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ When the Cat's Away (Jacques and Cleo, Cat Detectives, No. 3) by Gilbert Morris

When the Cat's Away (Jacques and Cleo, Cat Detectives, No. 3) by Gilbert Morris

When the Cat's Away (Jacques and Cleo, Cat Detectives, No. 3)

When the Cat's Away (Jacques and Cleo, Cat Detectives, No. 3) by Gilbert Morris PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Readers of mysteries and cat lovers alike will devour this third whodunit in the Jacques & Cleo, Cat Detectives series by bestselling author, Gilbert Morris.

When White Sands, Alabama, is chosen as the location for an international cat show, cat lovers from all over the world flock to the beach. Jake Novak is disgusted at the idea of people fawning over cats, but his downstairs housemate, Mary Katherine Forrest, is delighted. And when the favorite pedigreed cat is kidnapped, however, the cat–loving world is shocked. Then other favored contestants disappear and Jake is hired to solve the catnapping.

As the plot thickens, the friends of Jake and Mary Katherine are drawn into the chase—Beverly Devon–Hunt, Enola Stern, and Oceola Plank join forces to run the catnapper to a blazing finish—aided of course, by Jacques the Ripper...

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