Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ The Basics of Social Research (Available Titles CengageNOW) by Earl R. Babbie

The Basics of Social Research (Available Titles CengageNOW) by Earl R. Babbie

The Basics of Social Research (Available Titles CengageNOW)

The Basics of Social Research (Available Titles CengageNOW) by Earl R. Babbie PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This thorough revision of Babbie's standard-setting book presents a succinct, straightforward introduction to the field of research methods as practiced by social scientists. Contemporary examples+such as terrorism, Alzheimer's disease, anti-gay prejudice and education, and the legalization of marijuana make this Fourth Edition thoroughly fascinating as it introduces you to the "how-tos" and "whys" of social research methods. The book's new qualitative coverage combined with its already strong quantitative material makes this new edition Babbie's best yet. Babbie, long respected in the field and renowned for his engaging and friendly writing style, gives you the tools you need for understanding social research methods and for applying these concepts both inside and outside the classroom+as a researcher and as a consumer of research. With a strong emphasis on ethics and additional qualitative material, this Fourth Edition is authoritative yet student-friendly . . . and engaging enough to help you connect the dots between the world of social research and the real world.

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