Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ In-situ Studies with Photons, Neutrons and Electrons Scattering

In-situ Studies with Photons, Neutrons and Electrons Scattering

In-situ Studies with Photons, Neutrons and Electrons Scattering

In-situ Studies with Photons, Neutrons and Electrons Scattering PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In-situ scattering and diffraction measurements using synchrotron and neutron beam lines have become a viable tool to look at the non-equilibrium processing of advanced materials. This volume presents the subject from the theoretical and experimental standpoint, in order to provide a closer insight into the different synchrotron and neutron diffraction techniques as well as innovative microscopy techniques.

It addresses the following items:

- Phase detection and quantification

- In-situ welding experiments

- Stress/strain build-up

- Model development and Simulation

- Analysis tools and programming

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