Soak Your Nuts: Cleansing With Karyn: Detox Secrets for Inner Healing and Outer Beauty by Karyn Calabrese
Soak Your Nuts: Cleansing With Karyn: Detox Secrets for Inner Healing and Outer Beauty by Karyn Calabrese PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A student of Dr. Ann Wigmore and Viktoras Kulvinskas, Karyn Calabrese used raw food and detoxification to heal herself from illness, fatigue, and allergies. Soak Your Nuts: Cleansing with Karyn, features her Nature's Healing System, a 28-day program that has helped thousands of her students overcome weight issues, skin problems, fibromyalgia, insulin dependence, insomnia, sinusitis, and countless other health problems. The program is designed to counter the effects of exposure to chemicals, other environmental pollutants, and stress; restore the body s balance; and revive its ability to rejuvenate naturally. Instead of dieting and counting calories, readers will learn how to use a raw natural diet, juicing, fasting, and internal cleansing to gain a new awareness of total body health. As a result, they will be equipped with the tools to make intelligent, responsible, health-promoting diet and lifestyle choices. Karyn's sense of humor and messages of self-love and acceptance make this program a truly holistic journey.From reader reviews:
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