Senin, 10 November 2014

PDF⋙ Lake Jehovah by Jillian Fleck

Lake Jehovah by Jillian Fleck

Lake Jehovah

Lake Jehovah by Jillian Fleck PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Lake Jehovah is a small town in northern Alberta known for its allegedly bottomless lake. It is there that Jay, a genderqueer individual, experiences a crisis of meaning regarding love in the face of a series of apocalypses. Jay's fiance leaves him for his old university professor Asterix. This sends Jay into a tailspin, which causes him to spend the next few months sleeping. When he wakes up Jay discovers he has become a small time celebrity for writing an apocalyptic prophesy. The town's obnoxious costumed mailman Greg has been giving tours to apocalypse pilgrims that go by Jay's bedroom window. Two of these pilgrims are Betty and Mack, survivors of the Vancouver Apocalypse, who find solace in Jay's prophesy. Now fully awake Jay seeks companionship with the reviled sadist poet Jackknife who introduces him to demons and chain-smoking wolves. Things in Jay's world continue to unravel until he realizes he needs to confront the Lake itself. Will Jay's prophesy come to pass? If it's all over, did it mean anything at all? Jillian Fleck is a fresh new voice in comics and Lake Jehovah is a breakout book.

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