Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ The Miracles of Jesus: How the Savior's Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption by Vern S. Poythress

The Miracles of Jesus: How the Savior's Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption by Vern S. Poythress

The Miracles of Jesus: How the Savior's Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption

The Miracles of Jesus: How the Savior's Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption by Vern S. Poythress PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Jesus walked on water. He healed a blind man. He turned water into wine. More than just displays of his divine power, Jesus’s miracles signify something deeper—they’re windows into God’s grand story of redemption, foreshadowing the great miracle of Christ’s death and resurrection. By explaining the meaning and significance of all 26 miracles recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, New Testament scholar Vern Poythress shows us their relevance for our lives today. Poythress unpacks for us how understanding the meaning of Christ’s miracles will help us better grasp the salvation God has brought into the world.

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