Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine provides statistical guidance on conducting clinical trials for predictive medicine. It covers statistical topics relevant to the main clinical research phases for developing molecular diagnostics and therapeutics―from identifying molecular biomarkers using DNA microarrays to confirming their clinical utility in randomized clinical trials.
The foundation of modern clinical trials was laid many years before modern developments in biotechnology and genomics. Drug development in many diseases is now shifting to molecularly targeted treatment. Confronted with such a major break in the evolution toward personalized or predictive medicine, the methodologies for design and analysis of clinical trials is now evolving.
This book is one of the first attempts to contribute to this evolution by laying a foundation for the use of appropriate statistical designs and methods in future clinical trials for predictive medicine. It is a useful resource for clinical biostatisticians, researchers focusing on predictive medicine, clinical investigators, translational scientists, and graduate biostatistics students.
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