Jumat, 25 April 2014

PDF⋙ Grandfather Buffalo by Jim Arnosky

Grandfather Buffalo by Jim Arnosky

Grandfather Buffalo

Grandfather Buffalo by Jim Arnosky PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Grandfather Buffalo is the oldest bull in the herd. Whenever the herd moves on, he is always a little behind.

But when a female buffalo is ready to give birth, he is there to protect her, and he’s there to help nudge the new calf along.The youngster’s liveliness puts Grandfather Buffalo to the test, but the calf learns quickly that whether the herd is braving a dust storm or stopping for a rest, there’s no better place to be than right by Grandfather Buffalo’s side.

Jim Arnosky shows the struggles faced in nature by both young and old, and the tender bonds that form across generations.

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