Senin, 03 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ To Rule Jerusalem (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies) by Roger Friedland, Richard Hecht

To Rule Jerusalem (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies) by Roger Friedland, Richard Hecht

To Rule Jerusalem (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies)

To Rule Jerusalem (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies) by Roger Friedland, Richard Hecht PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Compelling historical and ethnographic account of the twentieth-century struggle for Jerusalem. The volume examines how Jerusalem is doubly divided, on the one hand between Israelis and Palestinians, each of whom ground their national identities in the city, as well as within each nation between those who put primacy in the democratic decisions of their nations and those who would yield to a higher divine law. Professors Friedland and Hecht explore how Jerusalem has figured as a battleground in conflicts over the relation between Zionism and Judaism and between Palestinian nationalism and Islam. Based on hundreds of interviews with powerful players and ordinary citizens over the course of a decade, this book evokes the ways in which these conflicts are experienced and managed in the life of the city.

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